The Manifestation journey that led me to Keith Urban

Lisa Downey
6 min readSep 6, 2020
Keith Urban- manifestation
Keith Urban live in Dublin, Ireland, March 2019.

Law of Attraction: ‘the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on’.

Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Luck, whatever you want to call it, it’s real and it has given me some of the most amazing experiences in my life.

On my 18th birthday walking through Dublin city, I walked into a book shop, and my eyes darted to a book on the new release shelf- The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I read the cover, and even though I wasn’t spiritual, I do believe that I was drawn to that book for a reason on this particular milestone day.

I can’t really remember much from 18–25 in regards to law of attraction or manifestation, life was about college, friends, nights out, the usual student lifestyle. It wasn’t until I was 25 and bought Napoleon Hill’s -Think and Grow Rich that I realised maybe I had been manifesting without even realising.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve’-Napoleon Hill, 1937.

People often called me lucky, saying I always got the grades I wanted, I always got the job I applied for, basically I always got what I spoke about. It wasn’t until I threw myself into ‘Think and Grow Rich’ that I started connecting my previous triumphs to the thoughts I had at that time.

Why manifesting worked for me without me even knowing

Psychologist Carl Jung was a firm believer that ‘what you resist, persists’ and for me it was evident that I believed so hard in what I wanted, I didn’t dare think of it not working out. From getting chosen for group activities in college, to a new part time job, to the guy on the dance floor coming over to ask me to dance, it all happened as I imagined it in my mind.

I moved to New York aged 25 and KNEW it would be the best summer of my life! I knew I would have a great job, live in a great place, create some of the best memories of my life. I never once resisted or worried these things wouldn’t happen, I just played them over in my mind for months on end, picturing my work day, smelling hot dogs on the side of the street, laughing with my co-workers, I visualised every single aspect of my summer, and it all came to life even better than I dreamt.

Again even when all of this worked out for me, I didn’t quite call it manifesting, it was just my life, it always happens that way!

Queue 2 years later, and a longer work visa for America, a chance to enhance my career and really build the life I wanted. Again like the summer before, I got a job one week into moving there, and although it wasn’t the job I really wanted, I was happy, as I KNEW my dream job would come along soon (content in your current circumstance, while visualising your dream circumstance). I knew this job was a stop gap till I got my dream job, so I embraced the role, had fun with my co-workers, learned some new skills, all while holding onto the belief my dream job was coming soon.

New York colleagues
My wonderful New York colleagues, and I

Six weeks later a fellow employee quit and his job (my dream job) was now available, thank you universe! My journey into getting this job wasn’t straight forward, it was another four weeks of interviews, call backs, current job delays, but I didn’t mind, I knew it was mine, no matter how long it took. Some called it luck, some called it brown nosing, I called it manifestation!

Keith Urban and I

Ok now you’re probably like what has all this got to do with legendary country singer Keith Urban?

While living in New York I became a huge country music fan, and was thrilled to find out country 2 country came to my hometown, with some of America’s top stars singing my favourite tunes. The festival lasted three days, but as tickets were expensive I only bought a one day pass that year. That was so much fun, I swore to try attend the full weekend when the festival returned the following year. 2019 came along and with limited resources to buy a weekend pass for me and my dad, I had to decide which day we would attend, and what artists we could see. I chose Friday with Lady Antebellum, Old Dominion, Kelsea Ballerini and more. Keith Urban the music God was playing Sunday night but I couldn’t justify the money when I had bills to pay, so I decided to just manifest the tickets instead!

Country 2 Country, Dublin, Ireland, 2019.
Country 2 Country, Dublin, Ireland, 2019.

From January 2019 to the concert in March, I told everyone I was going to see Keith and Co on the Sunday night, I played Keith’s albums over and over again, I told my dad to get ready for a rocking weekend. My family and friends thought I was crazy, how could I go to a concert with no ticket?

The week before the concert, I did get worried, why hasn’t it happened yet? I looked out for competitions online, free tickets on radio shows etc, nothing!

We really enjoyed the Friday concert, I was walking on air leaving the arena, and told my dad I was so excited for Sunday. He asked was I going to buy tickets, I said no they’re sold out, I’m just going to get them, I don’t know how, but it will happen.

Saturday came and went and no concert tickets. I stayed in my friend’s house Saturday night and she thought I had lost my mind planning my concert outfit, train times etc. I woke up Sunday morning feeling deflated thinking this isn’t going to happen.


I opened Instagram and saw a beauty clinic I follow were giving away two unwanted tickets to tonight’s concert! I quickly replied to her story and she said congrats Lisa they’re yours. I cried, I screamed, I woke my friend and she just couldn’t believe it. How did this happen?

I called my parents and they were speechless, how did I just get two FREE tickets to a concert I was dying to go to?

It was simple: I manifested them!

My mom attended the concert with me, and I felt some extra magic that night, Keith was amazing as always, and when he sang ‘The Fighter’ my favourite song, I felt like I was his Carrie Underwood.

It works

I am not a law of attraction or manifestation coach, but I do know that it works!

For me it was releasing the doubt and fear it wouldn’t work out, and visualising the experience of how it will. Hear the screams from the audience, sing the words to the song, taste the beer in your hand as you dance away, know your thoughts have meaning and what you put out into the universe will come back to you, you just have to believe.

We all know people whose success we admire, and whose lifestyle we want, the only difference between them and us is- they believe in their destiny!

Dream big and picture the life you deserve! I am so excited for my future to happen, just the way I planned it!

Love and good vibes,




Lisa Downey

An eternal optimist, content creation from my heart & soul, marketing by day, manifesting by night. Irish with dreams bigger than this whole island.