How my work review changed my view on my own life

Lisa Downey
4 min readDec 5, 2020
Authors own image- Donegal reflection.

I was asked a few weeks back to write a blog for work, a blog reflecting on 2020 for the company. As you can imagine my initial thoughts were oh no, we don’t want to be reflecting on this year, especially when such sadness has embraced us all.

Like most tasks I don’t wish to do, I do everything else possible before it’s crunch time to actually do it, and this week was crunch time! As I started to scroll through social media for highlights, and search through my outlook calendar for virtual events, I suddenly realised as a company we have had one of the best years, despite the pandemic. Yes the company closed down for a period of time, yes they lost out on sales, but they also achieved so much, including a national award might I add.

As the veil of darkness lifted on this blog, it made me reflect of my own 2020, the Covid diagnosis, the unemployment for a time, the fear, the anxiety, the isolation, but also the new found connection with old friends, the TikTok dances with my parents, the gratitude I felt for a year that most would describe as a sh*t show.

I feel this year has flown by in the blink of an eye, I don’t even remember a time when we didn’t wear masks, or didn’t social distance, and it sure feels like years ago since I was Covid-19 positive. This year has shown us some of the most important aspects of our life- health and happiness, both tested this year and both changed in light of 2020.

We don’t reflect enough on life, we don’t give ourselves the pat on the back for all we’ve achieved this year or this lifetime. 2020 is probably one of the most traumatic years to hit us, but one that is essential to look back.

Here are my reflections:

·Health is our number one priority. Covid-19 didn’t knock me down too bad thankfully, but definitely got into my head mentally and questioned my future. I was one of the lucky ones, I survived. Like all diagnoses and fear for our life, we take nothing for granted, we smile at the birds chirping in the trees, we treasure chats with loved ones even more so, we embrace the rain and the madness of Irish weather, we stay present and thankful for each day.

· Live life your way. I have always defied societal norms, hey I’m still single at 32 with no mortgage or kid, but I am happy, I am free, and I am me. This year has taught me that this is my life, no one else’s and that it’s my duty to do things how I want and to never stop because of judgement. I can be whacky, I can be funny, I can wear random clothes, eat cheesecake for dinner and I love it! I always want to do more, always trying new things, always seeking the next opportunity, always seeing bright lights in dark places, and I am so proud of me.

· Things don’t make you happy, never did, never will. I have never been a materialistic person, but even more so this year, I think I purchased 2 new items of clothing, maybe 3 and apart from food and drink (good old Guinness), I haven’t spent too much. It gives me such pleasure to buy for others, see their reaction and feel so happy inside, and this year I have written letters, made cards and spent more on postage than nights out, and I think that’s money well spent.

· Family is everything. I am lucky I live at home with my parents and we are in our own little lockdown bubble, and get to spend time together, and as you days go by you realise how this is a true blessing in 2020. As an only child I am extremely close to my parents, they are my best friends, cheerleaders and counsellors all wrapped into one. Seeing my dad sick this year with Covid-19 broke my heart, but I am so grateful he is doing well and our little trio is happy and healthy.

· Connection means more than we will ever know. Like I said before, this year has helped me reconnect with three wonderful ladies I went to college with, all in different courses, all at different times, and all who helped shape me at one time or another. These women have become my closest confidants and I don’t think I could live without them. If I wasn’t for having a lot of free time in lockdown, these reconnections may not have happened, (thank you social media) but I do believe everything happens for a reason and their presence in my life this year has provided me with so much happiness, endless laughs and lots of love. Even though we may not see each other in person this year, we were lucky to live in a technologically advanced world where we could virtually hang out on zoom, and send endless memes on what’s app. I miss hugs and I miss people, and this is what I look forward to the most in 2021.

Oh 2020 what a year, you’ve been good, you’ve been bad, you’ve been ugly, but you certainly haven’t been boring. Reflect, review and remember how you survived and thrived in one of the years that history will never forget.

Check out more of my writing on Medium here, and follow me on Instagram for some positivity and pep talks!

Love and light,

Lisa x



Lisa Downey

An eternal optimist, content creation from my heart & soul, marketing by day, manifesting by night. Irish with dreams bigger than this whole island.