33 things I learned being 33

Lisa Downey
7 min readJul 15, 2022

I haven’t written in over a year, a mix of procrastination, ‘busyness’ and trying to figure out my style and feelings, but today as my 34th birthday is looming I decided to treat you all to 33 things I learned over the past year! Some may be deep, some may be funny, and some may be down right ridiculous, so fasten your seatbelts, here we go:

  1. 33 is the best age to be Irish! Say it with me, thir-tee tree, yes that’s how all good Irish people say it, with might and conviction!
  2. You don’t sweat the small stuff so much. Advice I wish my 20 something year old self would have known, who cares if you’re slightly late, wearing the same outfit twice is actually helping the environment, and who cares if you’re not in ‘that’ whats app group!
  3. Ok this kind of negates the above, but I don’t think I have recognised anxiety so much as I have this year. This MF slaps you down some days, but thankfully I discovered the next point to help with it!
  4. Reiki is my superpower and my saviour. I began having Reiki age 32 (who really remembers those years #covid), but age 33 I studied this ancient energy healing treatment, and can now say I am a Reiki practitioner with an insane love for healing myself and others.
  5. It’s all about the chakras baby! Through Reiki I learned about the 7 chakras, the feelings and emotions attached and how to heal through them. I also love checking in with myself on what colour I am feeling today, is it green for the heart or red for the root?
  6. You say chakra, I say crystals, chakra, crystals, chakra, crystals… It’s like salt and pepper, gin and tonic, or Guinness and Tayto, you can’t have one without the other. I never in a million years would have thought I’d be the one with a bra full of crystals, shaking my quartz in the sunshine, but here we are! PS- my favourites would be rose quartz for love and serenity, and black carnelian for stability, motivation and creativity.
  7. I love the number 7, and for this point I am going to praise myself for putting myself first this year, for taking note of all my triumphs and for creating boundaries that benefit me and my future life! Well done Lisa, keep it up, and give it some more oomph!
  8. I just can’t drink a lot of alcohol anymore! I know you’re probably like how is that bad? As an Irish person, it’s basically a sin, but thankfully I have discovered heartburn medication that works a treat for this elderly chick sipping on a beer!
  9. Weekends away have changed! The thought of a boozy weekend drunk and hungover actually makes me want to gag! No, for me now it’s some wine, good company, some music, craic and let’s throw in a bit of culture! Also, as a soon to be 34 year old, I seek good food over good drinks now, like who am I?
  10. Relationships with people have changed. I value the small things so much now, the check ins, the supportive texts, the hugs and unconditional love. It’s not about the nights out, the gossiping or work talk, no! For me it’s the coffee and chats about how you’re actually feeling, the random acts of kindness, the adventures, exploring life together.
  11. Work/Life balance isn’t possible at all times. Is it possible at all? Answers on a postcard! Nobody dies wishing they worked more, but so many die wishing they lived more, now I know which one I’m choosing.
  12. Career and work are different. Just because you have a job that pays the bills, doesn’t mean it’s your career for life! What makes you excited to wake up in the morning, what area is advancing rapidly thanks to tech, what are you really good at? Finding your Ikigai is one that really hits the nail on the head, read about this concept in one of my blogs here!
  13. Life is truly precious, and one we need to enjoy daily! Our time on this planet is limited, our time being in full health is limited, our time with our loved ones is limited, so please send that text, hug that person, and just go for what your heart desires!
  14. Stop being so damn busy! Maybe it was because of covid locked down madness, maybe because I am used to being busy (hello 8 years in college), but magic happens when you just STOP! As a serial planner, I now see the importance of rest, spontaneous fun and just being present. Life doesn’t always have to be a race!
  15. Celebrate often! Birthdays are a huge deal, an honour, a pleasure. So are anniversaries, job promotions, having a baby, your team winning a cup, whatever it is, always celebrate. Smile, laugh, make a toast, do the happy dance and be so delighted that your favourite love islanders are going to win!!
  16. Twitter is amazing. I have all the other socials, but Twitter is great for funny memes, show commentary, news, and just hilarious stories in general.
  17. Sunshine and nature make me happy. Apart from the vitamin D, I feel we all thrive in the sunshine, everything feels good, life is hopeful and we don’t need to wear a rain coat, well maybe here, it is Ireland after all! I love being in nature, feet in the sea, walk in the park, listening to birds sing, the river flowing by, those endorphin boosting activities hit me in the feels!
  18. I love self development, but need to just stop! I have endless books on how to change your mindset, get the life you’ve always dreamt of yada yada yada, but what about a book about a hopeless romantic falling in love? 34 will be less self-dev, and more fun-dev!
  19. I think I prefer my hair lighter brown with some highlights, yes this is the point that is very high-brow! Dark and sexy is good and all that, but I feel lighter is just for me, ok enough about that- NEXT!
  20. Friendship knows no location. Some of my closest and most loved friends don’t live in Ireland, some not even in Europe! People who I know love me, support me and want the best for me. Facetime is a blessing, but I also can’t wait to hug them IRL soon!
  21. You need to be open and vulnerable to experience real love. Barriers as high as prison break won’t help you in the long term, and I know it’s TERRIFYING, but on the other side can be your true love just waiting!
  22. Following on from that point, I met a guy when I was aged 33 and ¾ and he ticks 99% of my dream boxes, ok he doesn’t have glasses but he’s still young, just wait until his 50’s! Opening up fully and being vulnerable was like parachuting over the grand canyon, hoping your parachute will open, but not knowing for sure! Yet, it did, it opened, and when I came down to earth I felt love like I never felt before, true magic ❤
  23. Ok, last point on love I swear- it really is a special feeling. Like a thousand glittery butterflies dancing inside you, everything seems right in the world knowing you have them by your side, you are filled with love and excitement every time you see them, your heart has never felt so full!
  24. Freedom is priceless! Freedom to be who you want to be, love who you want to love, and live wherever you want to live. I know I am extremely lucky to have freedom in many ways compared to others, but my wish is that freedom and hope comes to everyone, and we all experience that sensation at some point in our lives.
  25. I doubt myself A LOT, and it’s not cool! People see my worth, my value, and oftentimes I don’t, but I am trying and reflecting on all I’ve achieved and how proud I am of myself. Small progress is still progress!
  26. I am a good copywriter. See bigging myself up now! I do believe I am a good writer, whether it’s for work’s social platforms, blogs or kick-ass birthday cards, I feel I am good at communicating effectively!
  27. My style has changed. I used to stick with trends and wear mostly black, or the same style clothes, but now I am more adventurous and will try things regardless of my age or size affecting me wearing it, because YOLO!
  28. I can’t deal with Samsungs. Another profound point, but I cannot work a Samsung phone, it’s Apple for life!
  29. My life is changing. This year my life has moved in motion towards what I want, and I just know 34 will be a train ride filled with success and abundance.
  30. Gratitude is my best friend. I write in my gratitude notebook every night before bed, and I cannot tell you the power of saying thank you for all you have, truly magical. Start a ritual of 3 things you’re grateful for everyday, and watch your life get better!
  31. I have a lot of goals in life, and although I don’t have a steady plan, I do believe they will happen, and thanks to God and the universe, my goals will be achieved with a grateful heart and a passion to help others.
  32. I am my sunshine. 31/32 made me lose my sparkle and shine a bit, and I never thought it would come back, but it has this year, and I am so grateful. It has got brighter (wear spf guys), stronger, more resilient and now best friends with the moon! Love a good full moon ritual me :)
  33. ME! I don’t often say it, don’t really say it at all, but I am so proud of myself. As I write this and look at a photo of Lisa age 4, I know she would be super proud of who I am, and what I’ve become.

34, I am here waiting with confetti and prosecco, let’s do this!!



Lisa Downey

An eternal optimist, content creation from my heart & soul, marketing by day, manifesting by night. Irish with dreams bigger than this whole island.