20 things I want to leave in 2020

Lisa Downey
6 min readDec 31, 2020

It’s New Year’s Eve and usually a time to think back on all the highlights and wonderful memories of the year gone by. Cut to December 31st 2020 when we’re so excited to say adios to this clusterf*ck of a year!

Although this year has brought many blessings and enlightenment (see my blog on 20 thoughts for 2020), it has also given us a lot of things we don’t want to take into 2021, and here they are:

1. Certain words- if I ever hear the word unprecedented again it will be too soon! I am sick to death of hearing covid, coronavirus, pandemic, vaccine. I think even in 20 years’ time I will shudder at hearing those words, so let’s just try use them a little less can we?

2. Daily covid numbers- I can’t deal with the daily case numbers and deaths, it has gripped us for months now and every single day given us more anxiety. I cannot wait till this is a distant memory and the only numbers I’ll be talking about are my flight numbers.

3. Political announcements- back in March and April we were hanging on Leo’s words (Irish Tánaiste/Taoiseach depends on the day). His announcements were poetic at times, filled with hope, grace, but now I can’t even look at them. Frustration mixed with WTF is all I’m feeling watching them. It’s not just Irish politicians and their announcements I want to leave in 2020, how about Boris and Trump, bye Felicia!

4. Zoom quizzes- I think I can speak for us all in saying zoom quizzes were great at the start, but then every weekend the same thing, different people, and eventually zero craic! The old fashioned telephone call or text will more than be enough for future conversations in 2021.

5. Office working- who knew the majority of us would be working from home for months on end. I was used to it as I worked half my week at home usually, but I know how crazy it must have been adjusting to working in the kitchen! This new work situation has enabled us all to cut the commuting time and cost, eat better meals, exercise more, and for me-be more productive. I for one don’t want a full return to the office, but I do think this shift has opened up the conversation where people have a choice now on their working location.

6. Bread- making it, eating it, posting about it. Granted I never made banana bread or any bread, I just consumed half of Mr Brennan’s loaves on the daily and it needs to stop. I will make it off this island in 2021, and I won’t have carb filled excess baggage.

7. Body shaming- it wasn’t just the bread, it was the chocolate, the pizza, the Chinese deliveries that helped those lbs go on, those covid comforters that pacified us when we needed it. Yes we have all put on weigh this year, but we don’t need to hear about it every day! In 2020 we figured out what was really important and counting calories didn’t make the list.

8. Online shopping- boy did Amazon do well from a global pandemic! At first we weren’t particularly enamoured with buying stuff online, but now it’s like second nature to click. I done 90% of my Christmas shopping online, but it just didn’t have that magic to it. I look forward to being able to go the shops again, look for a nice dress for a Saturday night, try it on and get excited!

9. Webinars- again like zoom quizzes they were fun at the start, till everyone and their granny were doing them and they lost their value. Some webinars I thoroughly enjoyed (looking at you Gary Vee), but I think we’re all ready for real life events in 2021.

10. Home schooling- all I can say is I’m glad I have no kids right now, I can’t imagine the stress on parents, especially with multiple children. The anxiety and upset to children who miss their routine, their friends, their time to grow and develop. I really hope 2021 will bring them back into safe classrooms.

11. Walks- now I know how a goldfish feels going round and round in a bowl, it’s the same in our 5km. I love walking, and am very lucky to have a safe space to do so, but walks have become our main source of joy in 2020, and I am looking forward to having other outlets in 2021.

12. Confinement- I think the first lockdown hit the hardest with us all experiencing severe cabin fever. That trapped feeling consumed us, and I never want to feel that again. I dream of the day when I can drive wherever I want to meet friends, to sit in an actual restaurant, drink a beer and feel free again.

13. Weekends in Ireland- I was very lucky to holiday in Ireland this year, but I am so ready for a week in the sun, sitting by the pool, cocktail in hand! There’s just something extra special about reading your book on a hot beach, listening to the sea and forgetting reality.

14. Alcohol- before you think I’m gone crazy and given up my Irish citizenship, I’m not saying stop drinking altogether, but rely on it less next year. I like many others drank more than usual to cope with the pandemic anxiety, and I am not bringing this habit into 2021. I stopped drinking for October and it felt amazing, I even featured in a national news article about this, and I get with more lockdowns it’s hard not to turn to it, but I know we can do it! Dry January I’m coming for you!

15. Trump- speaking of things to make you want to drink, 2020 will be the final year of Trump. Although the presidential election took our minds off reality for a solid week, we are now ready for 2021 and the inauguration.

16. Inequality- inspired by the above, can we please leave racism and inequality in 2020, it has no place in humanity. We have all read about the numerous deaths due to racism, the pain and fear inflicted on innocent people due to the colour of their skin and it’s time to stop. Worldwide we are one, we are human beings and colour, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation doesn’t matter. Please be kinder in 2021.

17. Conspiracy theories- if ever there was a year we needed less conspiracy theories and yet here we are. Another thing that gives us anxiety and makes us question everything going on, including our own sanity. Jedward to the rescue this year, who single-handedly come to the aid of the Irish nation against anti-maskers, trolls and even shut down the twitter account of a certain guitarist. Everyone has the right to freedom of speech and opinion, but can we all please be mindful of each other’s state of being when displaying these rights.

18. Self-doubt- this year has made me question so many things, we lost control of many aspects of our lives, our day to day changed and we doubted who we were. I am so proud of us for surviving one of the hardest years ever, and in 2021 I will be reminding myself and anyone who listens that we are amazing, and we conquered 2020!

19. Anxiety- the crippling fear inside knocked on everyone’s door this year. The fear of the unknown, the fear for our jobs, our family, our health, our future, it was one of the scariest things to ever happen to us. This is the one thing I really wanna bury this year, and live in a state of gratitude for being safe and well amidst the madness of 2020.

20. The idea of ‘back to normal’- nothing will ever be the same again- jobs, relationships, health, nothing. Covid anxiety will follow us for some time, we will always be extra cautious with hand washing, meeting people, crowds. I think this year has shown us what and who is really important, and I think those lessons were necessary for a fulfilled 2021 and beyond. Yes we will go back to the pubs, concerts, holidays, but I think we will have extra appreciation for the things that bring us joy.

So long 2020 you have definitely been memorable, but I think I’ll resign you to the do not disturb files in my memory bank.

Happy New Year to you all, and here’s to a happy, healthy and joyous 2021 for us all.





Lisa Downey

An eternal optimist, content creation from my heart & soul, marketing by day, manifesting by night. Irish with dreams bigger than this whole island.